Our mission is to provide training to companies in the oil sector, with services such as: consultancies, measurements, strategy evaluations, environmental impacts, legislative and technical frameworks.
Forming multidisciplinary teams of professionals with recognized international experience and committed to values and ethics at the service of our clients.
In this way, companies that rely on Notabilis Energy obtain greater profitability by maximizing their own resources in a sustainable manner.
"Contratos Internacionales de Petróleo, Gas y GNL"
“Negociación Petrolera Internacional, formación de precios y escenarios críticos"
"Manejo de conflictos y equipos de trabajo en la ejecución de Proyectos Petroleros"
"Transporte Internacional de petróleo y sus derivados"
"Seguridad e higiene industrial Petrolera / Prevención de Accidentes.”
"Responsabilidad por daños ambientales, derivados de acciones Petroleras"
"Comercio Internacional de Hidrocarburos"
"Economía Petrolera Internacional, costos del Upstream y Downstream"
"Introducción a la industria Petrolera Internacional"

In-Company Modality
We are specialists in this format because we adapt the programs to the specific needs of the companies, Celebrating a confidentiality contract between the parties propitiating a relaxed and cordial atmosphere between the parties. In this way, we take care of our clients with responsibility.

Open Modality
Academic programs updated every 6 months, dynamics of advanced groups, with theories and agile practices that allow to develop within a cordial and entertaining environment, are also business opportunities for those who seek academic excellence and contact with professionals from other companies.